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İnsana Yakışır İş ve Ekonomik Büyümeİstikrarlı, kapsayıcı ve sürdürülebilir ekonomik büyümeyi, tam ve üretken istihdamı ve herkes için insana yakışır işleri desteklemek
Erişime Açık

Business Management and Strategy in Cybersecurity for Digital Transformation


Cyber security threatens vital elements of enterprises such as network, information, application, operational, sustainability, education, and trade secret. Digital transformation and widespread use of IoT caused by the pandemic reveal the importance of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. This study is prepared by a systematic review method for cybersecurity. The inspiration of this chapter is the cyberattacks that threaten the global economy and enterprises and the effects of cybercrime on management and strategy. The cybersecurity problem, which continues to increase with the pandemic in the manuf ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effects of Ethical Leadership on Work Engagement, Intrapreneurship, and Service Innovation Behaviour: Sample of Chambers of Commerce and Industry


Purpose–Themainpurposeofthisstudyistorevealtheeffectsofethicalleadershiponworkengagement, intrapreneurshipandservice innovationbehaviorwithaqualitativemethodbasedonsocial exchange theory.Thus, itispossibletoobtainknowledgeontheculturalstructureofthechambersofcommerceand industry. Design/methodology/approach–Thesampleof thestudyconsistedof568employees inchambersof commerceandindustryaffiliatedtotheUnionofChambersandCommodityExchangesofTurkeyoperatingin Turkey.Aphenomenologicalresearchmethodwasadoptedinthisresearch.Fouropen-endedquestionswere askedtotheparticipants.Acodingprocess(conceptualizati ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Turizmde personel güçlendirme (Employee empowerment in tourism)


Personelin turizm faaliyetleri ile ilgili yaratıcı, yenilikçi ve girişimci davranışlarının geliştirilmesine yönelik iyileştirici, geliştirici, teşvik edici, kaynak sağlayıcı, adaptif prensipler bütünü ile ilgili yaklaşım.

Erişime Açık

Blind Spots of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Case of Adana


The aim of the study is to determine the blind spots of women’s entrepreneurship. This study was conducted with 46 women entrepreneurs registered to Adana Chamber of Industry in Turkey in September 2019. A phenomenological research method was adopted in this research. The coding process (Conceptualization, Classification, Component analysis) proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994) was used respectively in data analysis. Findings revealed that the blind spot in entrepreneurship is the dead spot in entrepreneurship according to the field of view of the entrepreneur, which can be prevented with a d ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effects of Mobbing in the Workplace on Service Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Boreout


Purpose – The s tudy aims to e xplore the m ediating r ole o f boreout b y r evealing t he e ffects o f mobbing and their effects on service innovation performance employees in the retail industry. Design/methodology/approach – This study was conducted with 209 participants recruited from retail companies registered to Adana Chamber of Commerce in the province of Adana Turkey in October 2019. The research was analyzed by the SEM method based on the social exchange theory. Findings – Findings revealed that boreout and mobbing were negatively associated with service innovation performance and mo ...Daha fazlası

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