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Erişime Açık

Anonim Şirkette Çıplak Pay Haczinin Ticaret Siciline Tescili Sorunu


Anonim şirketlerde çıplak payların haczi; pay sahiplerine, payı devralan üçüncü kişilere ve alacaklılara etki eden bir konudur. Çıplak payın haczinin İİK m. 94’te yazılı olduğu şekilde ticaret siciline tescilinde kanun koyucunun amacının belirlenmesi, tescilin üçüncü kişilere etkisini açıklamaya yarar. Çıplak payların ticaret sicili açısından hukuksal durumunun tespiti; pay sahipleri, pay senetlerini devralanlar ve pay sahiplerinin alacaklılarının hukuki konumlarını belirlemeye yardımcı olur. Zira pay sahipliği ve pay senetleri özellikle anonim şirketlerde hak ve yükümlülükler bağlamında hukuk ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effects of COVID-19 on organizational psychology in management and strategic context.


This study aims to identify the differences of businesses born in the period of COVID-19 from other companies operating in similar sectors in terms of organizational psychology and to determine the basic dimensions of organizational psychology and the factors of these dimensions. The study was conducted with a total of 48 businesses of the restaurant, cafe, retail, and virtual store established before March 2020 in Turkey, when the first cases of the COVID-19 emerge, and the businesses born after the pandemic operating in Adana in these sectors. According to the findings of the study, three ba ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık



İtalya son dönemde bazı ekonomik ve siyasi sıkıntılardan dolayı yeni siyasi hareketlerin çıkışına şahit olmaktadır. Son dönemde ortaya çıkan bu hareketlerin en güçlüsü Beş Yıldız Hareketi olmuştur. İnterneti çok başarılı kullanan bu hareket özellikle 2018 seçimlerinde en başarılı parti olmuş ve en güçlü hükümet ortağı olmuştur. İtalya’da doğan ve yönetimde bu noktaya gelmeyi başaran böyle bir hareketin hikâyesinden diğer ülkeler açısından da alınması gereken birtakım dersler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla dijital medyanın güçlenmesiyle beraber ortaya çıkan örnek bir hareket olarak İtalya’daki Be ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Network Security and Privacy in Social Work


This study aims to reveal the importance of network security and privacy in social work and to determine the riskstatus of the beneficiaries and the institution in this context. Network security and privacy are important in thefunctions of social work to increase the social welfare of the elderly, women, children, and disabled people, to increasetheir active participation in the life and to ensure their integration into society. The strategies to be formed by socialwork institutions in this regard will ensure the safety of the beneficiaries and prevent possible support losses. In thiscontext, ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Chambers of Commerce and Industry.


The chambers of commerce and industry are professional organizations that are committed to revealing the entrepreneurial characteristics of the private sector that offer predetermined services to their members. The legal status of these organizations may vary depending on the countries in which they are established. These organizations, which try to create clusters with initiatives and incentives focused on initiative and innovation, are important for macro and micro-economy. The fact that these organizations revive the private sector, regardless of whether they are subject to private or publi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ticaret Sicili Müdürlüklerinin Özlük Haklarının Eşitlik Bağlamında İncelenmesi


Ticaret sicili müdürleri, bulundukları ülke ve şehirlerdeki ticaret sicili kurumlarının kamu görevlileridir. Küreselleşme anlamında, uluslararası ticaretin gelişmesi yeknesak kuralların uygulama alanı bulmasını sağlamaya başlamıştır. Ticaret sicili müdürlükleri yerel ya da çok uluslu şirketlerin kayıtlarını tutarak bu şirketlerin işleyişleri hakkında şeffaflık sağlar ve ticaret hukukunun tescil anlamında temellerinden birini oluştur. Bu nedenle ticaret sicili müdürlerinin özlük haklarını bilmek ve iyileştirmek, sicilin işleyişi açısından stratejiler geliştirmek için yol gösterici olacaktır. Bu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A faunistic and ecological study on Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera) of Sultandağları Mountains (Afyonkarahisar/Turkey)


In this study, the fauna of Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera) from Sultandağları Mountains, Afyonkarahisar province, in Turkey were investigated. Field collections were conducted between March and August from 1997 to 2001. Individuals were collected from 110 field surveys. The specimens belonged to 131 species in seven families, including Papilionidae (6 species), Pieridae (17), Libytheidae (1), Argynnidae (21), Satyridae (24), Lycaenidae (45), and Hesperiidae (17). Tomares nesimachus (Oberthür, 1893) was identified for the first time in Afyonkarahisar and fourteen of the 131 specie ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Latent Aging


Objectives: It was aimed to determine the causes and consequences of perceptual adoption of aging with cognitive learning and acceptance, in this study. Methods: This study was conducted in June 2019 with 58 participants (41 female, 17 males; living in the province of Adana in Turkey; selected from 1432 individuals; ages ranging between 18 to 30). Results: In this study, it was found that the perception of aging emerged as a result of the participants’ comparison and internalization of the information obtained from the elderly people and themselves who exposed to the symptoms of aging. Latent ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Faunistic Study of the Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera) from the Amanos Mountains in İslahiye, Turkey


Inthisstudy,thefaunaofPapilionoideaandHesperioidea(Lepidoptera)fromtheAmanos Mountainsinİslahiye,Gaziantepprovince,Turkeyhasbeeninvestigated.Informationobtainedfroma series of field studies carried out during 2006–2007 is given. Collection of butterfly specimens was carried out in 55 different localities for this study. A total of 2276 specimens belonging to 76 species distributed in 48 genera within five families were collected. The distribution of species, according to families, is as follows: Papilionidae, five; Pieridae, 13; Nymphalidae, 28; Lycaenidae, 18 and Hesperiidae, 12. The evaluati ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A Computer Game Implementatıon: Indıvıdually Or In A Group


In this research, the effect of playing a computer game individually or in a group on students’ academic achievements was investigated. In addition, it was determined that whether students gender significantly differ or not according to playing the computer game individually or in a group. In this study, among the experimental research designs, Solomon research model was used. In the study carried out in the first semester of 2014-2015 academic year at a public school, a total of 90 students took part as 2 experimental (n=45) – 2 control groups (n=45). A science computer game that was played o ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effect of Instruction With Augmented Reality Astronomy Cards On 7th Grade Students’ Attitudes Towards Astronomy and Academic Achievement


In this study, it was tried to investigate the effect of the augmented reality cards on teaching. For this purpose, the effect of the reality cards designed for astronomy subjects on students' attitudes towards astronomy, the effect on academic achievement and the opinions of students about reality cards were evaluated. Mixed method was used as research method in the study which quantitative and qualitative data were collected together. The study group consisted of 53 students studying in the seventh grade of a state school located in Erdemli district of Mersin province. Within this scope, a b ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A Research on Daily Life Activities and Geriatric Depression Levels of the Elderly in Successful Aging.


, the study aims to determine the geriatric depression level of the elderly, daily life activities, dependency rates related to daily life activities, instrumental daily life activities, determination of the dependency rates related to instrumental daily life activities, to make valid suggestions to families, institutions, and organizations according to the results of the research.

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