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Erişime Açık

Women’s Successful Aging


The authors investigated women’s successful aging in the context of well-being and satisfaction with life. This study was conducted with 129 women in Women’s Rest Homes in the province of Adana, Turkey. It was found that satisfaction with life (SL) was significantly associated with successful aging (SAS) (β = .350; p = .005; t = 2.833), and SAS (β = .358; p = .008; t = 2.632) and SL (β = .669; p ≤ 0.001; t = 4.774) were significantly associated with women’s well-being (WBI). Women in the 60–66 age range had significantly higher SAS (md = 1.30314; p = .004) and struggle against difficulties (SA ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Psychological Effects of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The Imitator of Aging


Objectives:Toassessthepsychologicaleffectsofsystemiclupuserythematosus(SLE), includingperceptionof aging, inacohortofparticipantswhowereeitherdiagnosedwithSLEorhadanaffectedfamilymember. Methods:Overaperiodof1year,weconductedonce-monthlyface-to-faceinterviewswith12participants. Theparticipantswerefrom4relatedfamiliesandinclude7femalesand5males.Threeparticipantshada confirmeddiagnosisofSLE.SpouseswerealsoincludedinthisstudytoassesstransitivityofthepsychologicalsignsofSLE.Responsestostructuredinterviewquestionswereanalyzedtoassesstheperceptionof aging. Results:Themajorcomplaintsinparticipantsdia ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effects of Successful Aging in the Workplace on Technology Acceptance and Use Behaviour.


This study investigated the association between successfulaging and mobile internet acceptance and use behavior inthe workplace.A total of 221 participants responded to the survey. Theconstructs in the model were measured using successful agingin the workplace scale (SAW), the unified theory of acceptanceand use of technology (UTAUT2). A mixed-method evaluationdesign was adopted in the study, which included quantitativeand qualitative analysis methods.SAW was positively associated with UTAUT2 (β= ,856; p⩽0,05), unassociated with BI (β= ,089;p= ,466) and USE(β= ,364;p= ,235). UTAUT2 was positiv ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

COVID-19: A Perceptual Approach to Aging: Latent Aging


This study is a review article. Gerontology literature was reviewed and issues of latent aging were systematically formed. According to the results of the study, latent aging consistsof perceptual diagnosis, research, adoption, and reactive actions.Reactive actions include the social, psychological and physical effects of latent aging. The social effects of latent aging are the decline of social relations and social isolation. Depression, stress, anxiety, traumas and cognitive decline are among the psychological effects. Chronic musculoskeletal pain, sleep disorders, premature mortality, and s ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effects of Mobbing in the Workplace on Service Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Boreout


Purpose – The s tudy aims to e xplore the m ediating r ole o f boreout b y r evealing t he e ffects o f mobbing and their effects on service innovation performance employees in the retail industry. Design/methodology/approach – This study was conducted with 209 participants recruited from retail companies registered to Adana Chamber of Commerce in the province of Adana Turkey in October 2019. The research was analyzed by the SEM method based on the social exchange theory. Findings – Findings revealed that boreout and mobbing were negatively associated with service innovation performance and mo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Successful Aging Management in Social Work


This study aims to identify the factors related to successful aging management in social work and to make recommendations to policymakers and practitioners in this context. The study was carried out based on active aging, social conflict, business-life, and satisfaction in aging. A systematic literature review method was applied in the study. The study consists of research methodology, theoretical framework, issues related to successful aging, and successful aging management, respectively. Issues related to successful aging were determined as subjective well-being, quality of life, and organiz ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Effects of Boreout on Stress, Depression, and Anxiety in the Workplace


The study aims to determine the effects of boreout on employee’s depression, anxiety, and stress levels. Furthermore, it is aimed to reveal employee’s job meaningless, employee’s job boring, stress factors, ways of coping and being happy under stress via interview. This study was conducted with 186 participants recruited from the Chambers of Commerce in Turkey. Mixed-Method Evaluation Design has been adopted in the study based on the social exchange theory, which includes quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. Findings revealed a positive association between boreout, depression, stress ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Importance of Use of Technology by Elderly in Terms of Intergenerational Communication and Social Impact


T his article focuses on the use of technology in terms of intergenerational communication and social impact. The theoretical approaches affecting the use of technology in intergenerational communication have been examined and emphasized on the importance of social classes and groups’ intergenerational communication. The effects of the use of technology on the elderly have been assessed within the context of social classes, groups, and generations. In addition to the rapidly evolving technology, the issue of ageism, which interferes with intergenerational communication, is also mentioned in th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık



This study focuses on insufficiently addressing the safety issues associated with assistive devices for older individuals. Lack of study on geronsafety in the literature reveals the strengths of the study. The limitation of the study is that it does not provide an empirical study. Active participation of elderly individuals in life is possible with safety aging. Devices designed for older individuals are not yet fully compatible with digital programs. The remote management of these devices is important for the safety of the elderly. These devices should be improved with internet and digital pr ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A Research on Relationship Between Latent Aging and Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis


Objectives: It was aimed to determine the relationship between CLT and latent aging, in this study. Methods: This study was conducted in November 2019 with 63 CLT patients (57 female, 6 males; living in the province of Adana in Turkey; ages ranging between 31 to 58; who responded “yes” to questions Q1 and Q2.). Results: In this study, it was found that the physical (sallow skin, under-eye swelling, puffiness) and psychological (depression, anxiety, dysmnesia, focus problem) changes and effects taking place in the individual’s body were effective in the sense of latent aging. Conclusion: In thi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Adaptation Approach to Technology Transfer Strategy


Technology transfer is an important way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage. For the customer satisfaction and profitability, the process after the decision is as important as the transfer itself. In technology transfer, which brings significant costs and risks for enterprises, these processes must be carried out in an adaptive manner and an appropriate strategy should be developed. Sustainable company strategies should be determined in terms of sustainability, profitability, adaptation to developing technology, and technology to be transferred to maintain competitiveness with regard ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ticari Gelişmelerin Kanunlaşmasında Yasamaya Etki Eden Faktörler


Ticaret hukuku özel hukuk içinde sürekli gelişen bir hukuk dalıdır. Bu gelişme ticaret hukukunun tüm alt bilim dallarında yaşanmakla birlikte özellikle şirketler hukukunda ticaret şirketleri önemli bir yere sahiptir. Sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçlar ticaretin dengelerini zorlamaktadır. Ticaret hayatındaki gereksinimler, tüketici ve üreticileri etkilemekte bu da doğrudan şirketlere tesir etmektedir. Özellikle ticaret şirketleri müşterilerinin ihtiyaçlarına daha iyi cevap verebilmek için sosyal, ekonomik ve teknolojik gelişmeleri yakından takip etmekte ve şirketlerini yeniliklere uyum sağlamak adın ...Daha fazlası

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